Reducing billboards and ensuring commercial signage adheres to design standards.

Scenic Jacksonville has been a long-term advocate for the protection of scenic roadways. In particular, Scenic Jacksonville was instrumental in passing a city charter amendment to restrict and remove billboards, and continues to work diligently to ensure enforcement of the agreements, despite challenges from the billboard industry. In 2019, eleven billboards came down pursuant to the agreements.
In addition to billboards, Scenic Jacksonville values and advocates for appropriate commercial signage and adherence to the City’s sign ordinance. Good signage is critical to a business’ success, but the proliferation of signs can produce visual clutter and detract from the scenic environment.
“Snipe” signs are considered litter if they are located on city property, for example, in a right of way, or taped or nailed to a tree or utility pole. The municipal code compliance division monitors these signs under Chapter 741.
Photo: One can enjoy a drive along J. Turner Butler Boulevard – unobstructed by billboards – thanks to the efforts of Scenic Jacksonville.